Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sqeaky wheel...

Thanks for all your support. Nice to feel your support!

I called yesterday and asked the financial lady if there was anything I could do to help speed up the process... I am ready! She says well, I will see what I can do today. By the end of the work day not only was the financial stuff squared away but all my appointments, tests and surgery was scheduled. 

Finally- a plan. 

So we begin the process June 24th and surgery is scheduled on July 8th. Right now, I am preparing recipes. The pre-opt diet is somewhat rigorous. Any input or advice would be appreciated!

My instructions say:
Your will need to drink 3 protein shakes daily, one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We do not require you to purchase a particular brand of shakes. Some good examples would be Slim Fast Optima Shakes, EAS AdvantEdge Carb Control Shakes, or Adkins Advantage Shakes. You may supplement the 3 main meals with sugar free clear liquids and sugar free full liquids.

Examples of Sugar free Clear Liquids and Full Liquids:
Fat Free broth
Sugar free Jell-O (nothing added)
Coffee or Tea
Unsweetened fruit juices
Sugar free plain popsicles
Sugar free flavored beverages (Crystal Light, Sugar free Kool-aid, Very Fine H2O)
Hot cereals (oatmeal, cream of wheat)
Fat free cream soups (ex. Healthy Choice Cream of Mushroom, Tomato Soup)
Skim Milk or Fat free Milk
V-8 Vegetable Juice
Sugar free pudding
Sugar Free Low Fat yogurt

Liquids sweetened with Sweet-n-low, Equal, or Splenda are OK!!

Any flavor of cream soup is fine as long as it is Fat Free or Very Low Fat (95-99%).

No solid foods and no cheating!

It is extremely important for you to follow this diet prior to your surgery. This diet is designed to help reduce the amount of fat in and around your liver, and to shrink the liver itself. You may also lose a little weight before surgery. If you do not follow the diet plan your surgery could be postponed.

things are coming together!! 23 DAYS!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Educating your friends and family about bariatric surgery

Lots of people advise you to keep your weight loss surgery hush hush. Now, I have over 100+ pounds to lose. (Don't worry photos and actual weight # will be revealed later) I am not going to fool you folks into thinking that I just woke up one day and "lost all this weight". According to my research it will happen quickly. My friends and family are way smarter than that. So, I want to help educate others about my surgery. So, education about my journey begins now. 

What type of surgery will I have??  
We have not had our final decision appointment but, with the information I know- I plan to have Gastric Sleeve (also called sleeve gastrectomy) procedure. A sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive surgical weight loss procedure that limits the amount of food you can eat and helps you feel full sooner. In this procedure, a thin, vertical sleeve of stomach is created and the rest of the stomach is removed. The sleeve or stomach will be about the size of a banana. You can read some good information here. The majority of weight loss sleeve gastrectomies performed today use a laparoscopic technique, which is considered minimally invasive.  As far as weight loss goes, most people who have gastric sleeve surgery lose 50 to 80 percent of their excess body weight over the first six months to one year after surgery. There is lots of information out there

When is my surgery?  
That is the magic question. Everything moves quickly once certain decisions are made and my team knows I am ready. We are hoping that it will happen in the next 3 weeks so, I am recovered when school starts. 
After much reading they say to help those who are "worried" for me- that I need to take time to educate you specifically about this: 

How did you make this decision? 
I encourage you to read my blog. I have been blogging along the way. But, I went to Baptist Health for my seminarIt was so helpful. The information was very helpful and honestly- if you want to learn more about weight loss surgery- you should go. But, don't delay- go now. It actually changed my whole opinion on weight loss surgery. It's free. Check out the website here. You might ask- what exactly changed your opinion: The doctor was very upfront- he took questions- For example: I assumed I would have the lap-band  Come to find out- in order to be successful - the lap-band isn't my best option. For women who need to lose over 80 lbs studies show that it's not as successful. Also, I learned that attending a support group is part of the success. The information was plentiful. 
Have I prepared for this? I feel so overwhelmed with this question. Get Ready:

  • I started with the seminar. 
  • Then I had 8 monthly appointments with my PCP and we created a weight loss plan. This included medication.
  •  I also met with my chiropractor.
  • Made an appointment with my OB/GYN. Lots of women end up pregnant in the middle of this journey. While it's not immediate failure- It's not healthy. We decided a long term birth control so, I could spend the next 3 years on being healthy and ready to have a baby if I choose. (Don't worry- they are aware of my age- my weight is more of an issue than my age). Plus while motherhood is a dream of mine- I never dreamed I was pregnant. So, I feel good about this decision. 
  • Meet with a nutritionist. She was awesome. We did a couples appointment. She told me the reality- what to expect during the liquid phase. We also discuss what the transition would be like. My husband is such a rockstar. 
  • Therapy. At first this was just to say "I am okay for surgery". But, turns out- I needed it for more. Part of behavior modification is finding out your food issues.. they also work on your problem areas. Caffeine was my biggest challenge. My staff will tell you- I was on edge, mean and hateful for the first month. If I knew my husband would let me - I would have started smoking. It was rough. Come to find out- I wasn't honest about my addiction. I will do a whole post on saying good bye to caffeine. Sonic was one of my problem areas. Also, learning to drink a glass of water before every meal. Also, avoid using straws- can't have them with surgery anyhow-  I also had to figure out how to keep my friendships alive without going to lunch. I was already working on this before- Dave Ramsey helped me saving money. My free friend Sarah is my favorite lunch friend and I know we are going to be okay. She is super supportive and our friendship is going to only get stronger. My cousin had weight loss surgery and she warned me about how she really "missed eating out". I am so glad I talked with her because I had not realize that could be an issue.  I have come a long ways on all this. This is somewhat personal and I am happy to share more with you.
  • Had a sleep study and met with a Pulmonary doctor.  I do have sleep apnena. I hate my sleep machine. I am not following what the doctor says on this. I struggle with it. But, I also learn something else-
  • Meet with ENT. I was over the whole 2 strep throats plus I was having issues in the middle of the night. Yeah, I have early symptoms of GERD. They looks like middle of the night panic attacks where I take off my sleep mask and nearly throw up from choking. We are working on this and we hope surgery will change this.
I also have 3 other doctors on my team. But, I am prepared for weight loss surgery. 

Will your insurance pay for this?

Insurance is a red tape process that is very slow when working with a doctor's office. Getting approval took around 2 weeks. My weight loss nurse actually knows her stuff. She knows exactly what they want and need. It takes her probably 4-6 to put together your information. 
Then we work on financial stuff. (This is where we are right now). I have already spoke with insurance but, they get this in writing and then the doctor's office and I work out a plan. Insurance says if you used a "Center for Excellence" and they are in network they pay 90%. Due to Maddie's hospitalization we have met our deductible  So, insurance has told me that me they will pay 100%

Another concern: Have I thought about the lifelong lifestyle changes you have to make and how will you maintain weight-loss?

My biggest challenge will being able to eat the right amount of protein and drink water each day. I need 60 to 80 grams of quality protein per day.  They say it will take me weeks to be able to meet this goal. More about the protein below. 
Numerous websites and experts have told me this about protein:
What is insufficient protein? 
The first sign of lack of protein is often fatigue or weakness. Not just the feeling that I didn't get enough sleep last night, but deep fatigue….or weakness you know where it’s hard to get through the day. 
A second sign is weight loss plateau. When we don’t get enough protein, there is increasing evidence that the body tries to store calories rather than burning them.  I have heard those who focus on protein intake are successful in reaching their weight loss goal. 
A third sign is hair loss, which is preventable - they say. While one cause of hair loss following the surgery is the “shock” of the surgery to the body, another reason of hair loss in weight loss surgery patients is insufficient intake of protein. 
My nutritionist also said  after the surgery, if your protein status is low, your body will heal more slowly, sometimes very slowly. 
Another challenge- keeping this loose skin under control. Chances are I will need a breast reduction after the weight loss. A lot of unknowns.. But, as soon as I am cleared I plan to be very focused on working out and being proactive. This is one reason why I am a fan of Rodan and Fields. I am wanting my face to stay firm and healthy. Check out my R+F. The exercise will be very intense for 6-8 months- so my results will be optimal. Also, I am learning to eat my veggies FIRST at every meal. I also will meet with a nutritionist and my therapist often in helping coach me through my next phase of life. It's not a diet- it's a lifestyle change. 

Thanks for reading about my weight loss journey. I am happy  to allow others to reuse or share my content, as long as link it to my blog and give me credit. 
-Mama Rho 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Personal Trainers

Time to get my friends together- I am going to need support! Any day now we get the plan for my upcoming weight loss surgery.. I am ready! 

I am currently looking for a personal trainer - hopefully someone between Cabot and North Little Rock. Part of being successful with weight loss surgery is working with the "window". When you get released to work out- you have six months to make the most of this surgery and weight loss. I need to find my person to help me- I will continue to lose weight after six months but, the most success happens then.

Friends, share your ideas.. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

You are taking the easy way out..

According to the CDC  did you know that 70% of america's adults are considered overweight?

I don't go around telling people I am weeks maybe days away from my first surgery. I am not telling everyone that I am preparing to say good bye to my fat. But, I want to. I have not shared my blog with Facebook  I feel like I am keeping a secret. But, I am not. It comes down to this. I like to have a solid plan. When I don't have a plan and it's not set in stone- I over think it. I BELIEVE this is going to happen.  Am I really going to post a blog about this? If I am going to post on Facebook  I need to address something before I tell Facebook  (My friends and supporters- I love you and thank you for your continued support). 

Believe it or not- this is my LEAST favorite thing to hear:  "You are taking the easy way out by having surgery." (I have heard it 3 times). And this is when I say this "I have been considered overweight since 1992. That is 21 years. Way over half of my life. I have tried dieting- I have exercised- I have taken supplements- I have taken pills- My last 50 pounds was gained while on birth control. 

Choosing to change my life is not most people's business and I assure you that nothing about being unhealthy is easy. This decision is right for me and my family. We welcome your support and prayers. While your approval is nice- it's not necessary. 

My therapist says if the disapproving folks mean something to me then you have to educate them. Tell them your journey- Share with them how they have improved complication rates and mortality rates when bariatric surgery is performed at a Center of Excellence. 

Pam Davis says this: We have to remember there are many environmental, societal, hormonal, physiological and genetic factors that come together to impact our weight. We as a society cannot be so naïve as to think behavior change alone will be a successful treatment. We have to be ready, willing and able to educate the naysayers regarding obesity prevention and treatment. We have to be willing to stand-up for ourselves and others. We have to be willing to educate those who think any treatment for obesity, including surgery, is an easy way out.

After being a “fat” kid, teen and adult, my physician and I determined that bariatric surgery is the best course of treatment for me. I am having bariatric surgery to treat a chronic, lifelong disease and I am not taking the easy way out. I assure you. Thanks Pam Davis for reminding me of this. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Decision Day Drama

Mondays are my day to go escape to my office and get work done. I get a call at lunch from my PCP saying my weight loss surgery doctor was requesting records from 2011- I wasn't seeing her in 2011. So, I sit down and send my doctor's nurse an email stating what doctor's I had seen in the past 10 years. Ended the email with Let me know if you need anything.  On my way home- I call her- leave a message. (Yes, I am crazy).

At 4:31 she emails that insurance is needing my weight from a medical professional in 2011. Oh and they need it by 5pm to re-review. Panic sits in. Have you ever called a dr's office after 4pm? Well, in 2011 I saw my gyn and I went to a walk in clinic. So, I start working phone and email. Hoping to get release papers to these folks in time so they will fax documentation. I was totally worn out by 5pm. I email my Dr's nurse "Ok. Just frustrating. Had I known I could have helped you with this. I just spoke to Kathryn and she is sending records from Feb and Dec 2011.  The Sherwood walk in office will only take release of information if its on their paperwork. So, getting to Sherwood (from Cabot) and to you by 5 would be impossible. You should have it in a few minutes. I am happy to help anytime if I know you need something."  <meanwhile, I was near Sherwood (25 minutes from my house- 9 minutes from my office) all day!!!>

She emails me back at 5:14 "The insurance company just called me back…. APPROVED!!"

Finally. 10 months. We have made it through decision day. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Waiting Game and my new opportunity!

I am eagerly waiting to hear back from insurance about my surgery. Everyone keeps asking when is your surgery..  I called (again) Friday and they were literally going over my documents and said we should know something on Monday. Hope it is soon! 
I also called a Facebook friend of mine Leslie about Rodan and Fields. I have been really worried about my skin and the effects of the surgery. I would hate to have the surgery and lose weight and it become really droopy or sagging.  She talked to me about her products and the results that others have had.  I decided to make the jump and becoming a consultant. Amazing products. You can check out my products here.