Friday, November 15, 2013

the workout journey at D1

87 days ago I made a choice to go work out. A choice I had not really committed to in a long time and now looking back I have never really worked out like I have while at D1. I average 2-3 times a week. It started out as a competition to win some money but, very quickly I realized that it was not a competition with anyone except myself. Was it worth it? Will I continue? What did I learn?

If you read my first blog about working out (click here to read it) - it was a day I will likely remember for a long. I was 6 weeks post gastric sleeve weight loss surgery. My coach was the Tish and as you know my dear friend Andrew who encouraged me to visit D1. The synopsis of day 1: I made it 30 minutes. I cried. I hurt. I felt so out of shape and fat. Even though since I began the journey I had lost over 45 pounds. I remember thinking okay, I can choose to not return and feel out of shape or be the change I want to see in myself. One of the folks who was in my class encouraged me to come back. I thought at first he was being snarky I mean I only made it 30 minutes. I later learned that he was sincere about his encouragement.  That person is Clint Stoerner. He was a quarterback for the Razorbacks and played several seasons for the NFL. I would go on to meet other Athletes at D1 who are former razorbacks and professional athletes. Someone else who told me she was proud of me for coming and to come back was my coach Tish- she was friendly and so genuine.  I feel like sometimes women forget that we should encourage each other at the gym..  Another important person at D1 was my Physical Therapist, Josh. Josh and I work out twice a week. He is a great guy who pushes me and encourages me often! I am also so thankful Andrew reached out to me- it possible changed my life. Andrew is heading to South Africa to work as a youth minister next year. (You can see a video about that by clicking here.)  It's only fitting that today in the workout room there was one of the owners (of D1), Cliff Lee. Cliff is a MLB pitcher and his family has donated generously to many great organizations  including  Miracle League of Arkansas. 

Was it worth it? Yes!!! I am stronger and my endurance has greatly improved. Is it challenging? Always. That is what is awesome at working out- you always have room to improve and there is room to grow. I also think it's helping me with my loose skin concerns. Since joining D1 I have lost over 35 pounds. That's not too bad! I have also lost some inches. I have lost over 3 inches in my bust, hips and thighs.  I have lost over 4 inches in my arms and chest. 

Will I continue?
I plan to continue working out 2 days a week with Josh. As you know, it's a 45 minute drive from my house. I do enjoy it and see the results. 

What did I learn?  I learned that majority of people's negativity about the gym is because you are doing something they choose not to do. I haven't met anyone who regretted working out.  This is a good article on lifting weights.. Lifting weights is so good for you! I never thought I would say that. I learned that even if you are a lover of working out or if you are in great shape- there will be days when you do not want to work out or you are tired. That's ok. Just don't give it up. I learned that no matter how fat you are you can work out. I learned that even if you don't practice your running that working out and lifting weights will build endurance and you will run better and faster!!!!  

Michael Jordan said it best: "I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come." That's truth. No regrets on working out from me.  

I didn't win the challenge but, I did win the war with myself. I met a lot of people who are the journey to be healthy and stronger. I also have met several people whom I am proud to call my friends- so thankful for their friendship and support.

I am stronger, healthier and happier person. Now, it's time to continue with what I started at D1.  Happy Friday, friends! Make every day count!! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Make 2014 count!

Surgery Day
Here we are on the my weight loss journey.. On July 8, 2013, I had the  Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery.  I have been overweight majority of my life.  The summer of 1991, I was put on a medication that has a side effect of weight gain at the age of 12. That year I gained over 40 pounds and my weight continue to increase as I grew up. As a teenager, I was steadily at a size 18. In college, I lost some weight (to a size 16) but, it was short lived and I increased my intake of dorm food and sodas. My weight continued to rise to around the 280 mark by 2004. At some point I remembering weighting around 260 and wearing a size 22 while living in Colorado (around 2005)-I was not convenient to fast food and worked out by swimming. After moving to Little Rock in 2009, I was steady at around 290 varying in sizes from 22/24 to size 26/28. After meeting my husband John,  I decided to switch my form of birth control and over 6 months I gained 60 pounds and was solidly in a 26/28 and way over 300 pounds.  And over the holidays, I typically gained 10 pounds and would lose 10 pounds each year. So my history with being fat was over a span of 20 years. 

My highest weight on record was around 353 (January 2013). I am so thankful for a supportive husband who loved me unconditionally at 353 pounds.   So here is my track record (I keep a diary of it in my phone by using the app called "Monitor Your Weight".)

On June 20th I weighted 342.6.  Keep it mind, I had to do a supervised diet for 6 months from October to March. Clearly, I failed that.  We believe that I weight around 320 on my surgery day.  Today, four months post surgery, I weight 268.5. 

I have no regrets about my weight loss surgery. I feel better than I can I ever remember. A year ago, my health was declining rapidly and my weight was taking a toll on my body. Lots of people assume that perhaps I should have tried working out before I had surgery and I wouldn't had to have a drastic surgery. But, I will say this I didn't have the energy nor was I physically able to just work out and have the possibly of fail. I also over the course of 15 years worked out doing various activities and still never consistently lost weight. I also believe that going through mental health therapy was a very important part of my success. So, if you are worried that weight loss surgery was the easy way out for me- I assure it is not. 

I tell you this story because I want to share with others that no matter what your story is - being healthy can happen for you.  There is lots of changes happening with the new affordable health care act. I have been told that insurances changes from year to year regarding this coverage. You should call now and then call in January. So here is my advice:

 If you want to have weight loss surgery then here is what you should do:

 I encourage you to call your insurance and ask if they cover bariatric surgery. (If they say no call again in January). You can also check your spouse's insurance and maybe switch insurances if that is an option.   I have AETNA insurance (they do NOT pay for my daughter's autism treatment/therapies- so I was shocked to find out did in fact cover part of the surgery) but, they did have a policy on paying for surgery. I called my insurance and had them find me this document online.   (the policy can be read by clicking here- it's 35 pages long!!)  Then I started a binder with notebook paper. When I called my insurance and asked them something I documented it.  Do not expect your doctor's office to do this for you. Be informed.  Attend a seminar and find a surgeon.  If your PCP is not interested in supporting you with weight loss surgery then find one that does! Also, every time you visit a doctor (Ob/Gyn, chiropractor et el) ask them to write you a letter in support of your surgery and send you a copy and the weight loss surgeon. By the time you do all your appointments- you might meet your deductible.

I have several friends who paid cash for their surgery. I also have several friends who also went to Mexico for their surgery. It's top quality service and much better price. I can give you some information if you are interested.  Don't believe everything you hear.   As scary as weight loss surgery may sound- you staying fat is much more scary!!!!! There is lots of bad information out there.  Be informed. Be prepared for a hard journey but for me very worthwhile! 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

4 months Post Surgery

The update for Month 4. 

Highest weight 353 +  (January 2013)
Current Weight 268.5  (November 2013)
TOTAL weight loss 85 pounds
Weight loss for month 4 was 10 pounds.

BMI points lost  (since highest weight)  13.3
(Almost halfway there!)

Total Inches Lost since 6/21/13 (Measuring fat is not easy!!)

      Surgery Day  (July 8, 2013)                 September 2013                      November 2013
  • Arms 6.62 inches (In the beginning my left was smaller by 2  inches now they are about a half inch apart (last month loss was an inch)
  • Bust  8.5 inches
  • Hips 9 inches 
  • Legs/Thighs 6 inches  (2 inches this month)

Where I feel the most difference?  my lower part of my body. People have been commenting on my legs- I thought people were being nice but, it looks like there was some weight loss. 

I am also struggling to eat again. I sound like a broken record. I feel full or my acid reflux is acting up. I plan to get it checked out soon.  It's a love/hate relationship. And, maybe it's hormonal??  I know my hormones are acting crazy. I have always had thick hair and I was warned that with weight loss surgery I could experience hair loss. I do not notice it as much with women who have the sleeve surgery but, I was told month 3 or 4 is when it starts. Most of my life I have always "shed" heair so I have been waiting.. I can tell you that my hair has started to grow at a rapid rate over the past few weeks. (2-3 times faster than usual!!) Then,  I saw an article in Bloomberg BusinessWeek titled Obesity Surgery Bolsters Women’s Sex Lives as Hormones Stabilize.. Click here to read it.  Now, we all remember when my nutritionist warned me about doubling up on birth control??  She had every right to warn me it.  It's all true but, no worries we are not rushing to the baby world just yet. 

Clothes.. I am wearing 20/22 in jeans-jeans are ridiculous to buy. The styles and cuts yeah, don't get me started. Size 20 in most shirts. The outfit above was purchased at Christie's Consignment Shop in Cabot. The pair of jeans and shirt are both size 18. The shirt makes me conscious of my batwings (aka arm fat). We also have an awesome Goodwill store.

Working out..   I think I blogged about working out only 1-2 times a week. I would love to make it happen 3-4 times a week but, I am thankful for when I can go. I think it's a very important part of puzzle to weight loss surgery that so many people skip out on.  At least working out is helping me out with the batwing issue.  Another thing people get excited about is crossing your legs again.. Yes, I have in photo. 

The biggest battle I continue to fight is the mental part of this battle. There are lots of days I feel like I feel like I am not losing weight. I sometimes still order food at restaurants like I am a normal eater. I, of course, can not eat it all! I also do not drink with my meals at all. Part of me realizing my success is by blogging and realizing I am actually doing okay.  Sometimes, I will see a photo and think "Oh dear Lord, I was so fat!". I thought this article did a great job of articulating  Psychological  Effects of Weight Loss Surgery. Click here to read it. 

My next goal is to lose 100 pounds! It is actually my goal for Christmas. 

So yeah, go me! Not doing too shabby. I would not be where I am at though without the support of friends, family, my workout people, co workers and support group. Thanks for your encouragement along the way in my journey!