Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 3 of Post op and first day "home"

Type of surgery I had..
First off, I should never doubt my friends support for our family. You guys made the hospital stay bearable.

Overall, I feel good for just having major surgery. Slow, very sore and still groggy. 

I am still on my liquid diet till Monday. We have that covered. It's very challenging for me to drink what I have. I have no hunger and no desire to eat. I just have cottonmouth and some gas.

On top of all this I hurt my knee- very minor scrape but, using my knees to position myself make it very painful. I also stub my pinky toe in the hospital on my IV cart. Bruised and bleed a lot.  So, if I could quit
My minor knee injury
injuring myself maybe I could start focusing on my stomach healing!!   Above in the picture in the incisions. (See I am keeping this real!). 

If you want to bring food for us- just bring enough for John and Lauren (2 servings max). Next week while I will be eating soft/mushy foods- I will be limited and I need to make good food choices..  Each meal I get 1/8 of a cup of two different things. So my portion sizes are way small. My first goal over the week is to work on getting plenty of protein and drinking plenty of water.. 

I am hoping I can quit pain meds tomorrow and once I am off of them then I can drive. I know that will not be today or tomorrow. So, perhaps driving Monday will be more realistic.  I am walking like an elderly person still yet.

NO REGRETS! Thankful to be on the flip side!


  1. I'm thankful you are on the flip side! You are truly an inspiration! Also, seriously stop hurting yourself! What sorts of soft mushy good food choices do you have? What are some of John and Lauren's favorite foods?

    1. Next week I get Sugar free jello/pudding, cottage cheese, eggs, applesauce, green beans, fruit (no sugar added for can stuff), mashed potatoes or baked, cheerios, melons and brown rice!!

      Lauren and John like spaghetti, pizza, meatloaf, chicken, fruit
