Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Year's Goal: "be more awesome than last year"

I showed up to D1 yesterday. I had not been since early December. I could not find a parking spot. I was like what the heck is happening. Then I walked inside and MY gym had become filled with all those "weight loss resolution people". I was bitter at first. I even asked Josh- what is going on. Then after running for a few minutes during warm up I realized that I needed to be supportive of my fellow gym friends because the fact is majority of them will stop going and I want people to be healthy and feel better. I missed working out. I can't believe I said that. But, I do and I like feeling slightly sore. We have discussed switching gyms to somewhere closer to home but, I am not ready. I am thankful my husband let's me do what I am comfortable with. I laugh as I write. The gym for athletes is wear I am most comfortable. 

It's Thursday. Six months ago, I woke up with buyer's remorse. Surgery day (6 months plus 1 day ago) was in fact the worst day of my entire experience. I am so thankful for my husband and my mom for being my support that today. I had a bad headache the day of surgery that the strongest of meds wouldn't touch. I went into the surgery and asked to be put to sleep so I wouldn't cry from the pain from my headache. My surgery was scheduled for 1ish and didn't happen till 6ish. My family has a history of sensitivity toward anesthesia and I was no different. I finally woke up and remember things about 5am the next day. My mom can tell you stories about my "recovery".  I tell you this because my story is unique- everyone has a different experience. But, I know that I had to have pain in order to have progress. Funny, how that works. 

Lots of folks want results without change. I am the same way. I stopped working out because I got busy with the holidays and work. I noticed that while I was "seeing progress" my skin was getting wrinkled in places. Believe me, I have accepted wrinkles will come but, let's minimize it. 

I started a vision/action board many years ago. I saw on this quote "The physical act of writing down a goal makes it real and tangible. You have no excuse for forgetting about it. As you write, use the word "will" instead of "would like to" or "might."  This is our families vision board. It's by my bed. Here is a good link about creating vision boards. You can google action and vision boards to learn how to make one. One of my goal is to 8 pounds a month to meet my ideal weight. Another goal is to do some video blogging. This is a stretch for me- I hate my voice on video. Some of my goals are simple and attainable- some are outlandish like, winning the lottery.  

Of course, simply writing something down dooes not make it happen. There has to be action on your part. You can do it. Lots of people think goals or new year's resolutions are cliche. I understand it but, I refuse to think that way. I am worth the change and the effort and so are you. 

My 6 month monthly update will be coming soon. For now, I am celebrating my success from 2013 (94 pounds). As of today, 97 pounds. 
2013 Success! 

1 comment:

  1. woo woo!!! You are doing so great! Good job getting back to the gym!
