Wednesday, December 31, 2014

blogging in 2015.. a DO or a DON'T?

I have neglected my blog for 2014. It wasn’t on purpose. It just happened. Life happens. So, as I start another year I thought- is the blog dying or do I share with the world my next step in “Life after bariatric surgery”?

And I think that there is pros and cons to sharing a really personal experience with the world. I have found that I do in fact enjoy writing about the different experiences I am having on this journey- however I do not do well with admitting failure. I also like that when a friend is going through surgery I have blogged and shared the real deal- I promise you my memory is not the same as the experience that actually happened!!!  Ha ha!

Then I question what is my motivation in blogging? Accountability? Selfish reasons? Distraction from real life? Sharing my expertise?  To have meaningful conversation? Changing the world?  To be more popular? To serve as my personal journal? I believe the reason I blog is because I want to live a more intentional life. I want to inspire others. I want people to learn from my experiences.

If you are choosing to read this next part- I need you to read the rest of this post. Do not call my granny and tell her something untrue.

So, with the “ok” from my husband he has encouraged me to blog  from “bariatric surgery to baby”.  We are not pregnant. We are not even trying to have a baby (yet). We are simply prayerfully considering the possibility. We are actually preparing to become foster parent certified. 

It was strongly suggested that I get an IUD as birth control method when I decided to have weight loss surgery. Best decision ever.  They said you sex drive goes from blah to I am a horny teenager.  (They were right!!)

I have not felt the rush to have a baby but, reality is I am 35 and I am not getting any younger. John and I are completely content with adoption however, we feel that our window to have a baby is about to be open so we need to explore this option. If we get through 2015 and decide it’s not meant to be- we will be okay. God has a plan.

So, in this process of deciding "should we talk about having a baby"- we realized several things:
  • 1.       Adderall and baby don’t mix so they say. (I love my Adderall.)
  • 2.       I should wait 18 months post-surgery to have a baby. (In January, I will be at 18 months)
  • 3.       I need to lose the rest of my weight and be stable before getting pregnant.  (somewhere between 40 and 60 pounds)
  • 4.       I need to be nutritionally sound. (Be off nutritional supplements)
  • 5    What are the chances of us having a special needs kid.. (We love our 2 kids but, we need to be honest with ourselves)

So,  I am addressing these 5 things in my upcoming blog posts. I met with a psychiatrist this week to discuss these plans. That was a great visit and hope to blog about it soon.   In the meantime, I have chosen 12/31/14 as the day to get my wisdom teeth removed. Therefore, blogging will have to wait a few more days.

 Be safe on this last day of 2014 and make the most of 2015!  In the words of Dolly Pardon: "You'll never do a whole lot unless you're brave enough to try."

Monday, June 2, 2014

Finishing what your started

I have been avoiding the truth. If I blog about it - it must be true.  Since returning from our spring break vacation I have been in a weight loss stall. Layman's terms "I am not losing weight according to the scales". What's wrong? Why is this happening? Is the weight loss done?  Am I giving up and a failure? 

I am reflecting on the past year. One year ago yesterday, I celebrated with co workers at a  friend's/co workers wedding. I like weddings that reflect personality and not "society's pressures"...  I remember the rainy wedding day and I was miserable and fat feeling. (Just being honest)..  But, Katie's wedding had Katie and Kyle's personality etched in the details. So, back on topic.. I am so thankful for my progress in the past year! I will not beat myself up over this stall... What's crazy is my body continues to shift or redistributed fat around. Some days a shirt I bought in March will be too big and other days jeans are looser than normal.  

Everyone says stalls or plateaus are very normal with any weight loss... While that doesn't mean I like them or appreciate them. The real deal is while I am experiencing this stall I need to continue to be focused and make good decisions. It's a new month and it's time to kick this stall to the curb....  I have read several helpful articles but, this article was really helpful.  I know I am wasting some calories and I am also getting laxed in my day to day eating. But, recently I read where a fellow WLS friend says that proper water intake takes time to build up. Duh. Why hadn't I thought of that? So, I am starting with small water goals and adding 10 ounces each day. I am also going to make sure I am eating better... I also plan to start back to working out with Josh my personal trainer D1. Hopefully, doing these things will put me back on track.    

I am probably 35 pounds from my next goal. I am ready to get there but, I know that it won't easy with my schedule for the summer changing. In the summer, I become a personal taxi driver for my kiddos and life is just different. So, there is where I am at with this journey of weight loss...

But, don't worry I am not finished with my journey and this verse reminds me of this...

 James 1:2 (MSG) Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. 5-8 If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought. People who “worry their prayers” are like wind-whipped waves. Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

understanding Autism

I like so many people would love to understand autism. I don't pretend to get it. As matter of fact, one mama wrote it best on her blog. Raising a hair-dryer kid in a toaster-brained world.. Go read it. It's a good read. 

I met Lauren (Our daughter with Autism) in 2011 and we were instantly buddies. She was living a rough life inside her mind and her heart. She was constantly living in Maddie's shadow. She felt abandoned. Maddie demands a lot of attention. So, when Lauren wanted attention she would pull out all the stops to get the attention. Another blog for another day. 
Rho and Lauren in 2011

I remember John telling me after my first IEP meeting that it was okay to be sad that these meetings are depressing and you lose some hope. So a few months later we meet with a developmental pediatrician- it was time to do IQ testing and such. That day in June was double depressing. Lauren tested at 16 months old. I remember doctor's referring to me as the "girlfriend". I was raising this child but, she wasn't mine. I had a peace that one day she would be mine (legally).  I remember Lauren couldn't even identify a balloon during the testing. Lauren was 7 years old. I told John that day- our kids are not stupid- these test set them up to fail. 

I was pretty angry for just a girlfriend. So, I began the journey I found the psychiatrist, psychologist, therapists and a new school all to help improve Lauren and Maddie. I studied and went to many conferences and kept an open mind.

We went through some really hard times but, we have seen progress and results.

Lauren is 10 and is attending 3rd grade. We have a psychologist we see when there are troubles. He is amazing and connects with Lauren. We see a psychiatrist who manages meds 3-4 times a year. He is also good at understanding psychotic meds.. We are also seen by the autism clinic at Arkansas Children's Hospital. While that clinic is exhausting they have been helpful. We also see a developmental pediatrician once a year.

Lauren with us at the Beach
She currently receives Occupational Therapy for 90 minutes and 120 minutes of Speech Therapy a week at school and we also opt to do another 60 minutes at Hippos and Fish in North Little Rock.
She has a Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). People with severe speech or language problems rely on AAC to supplement existing speech or replace speech that is not functional. Special augmentative aids, such as picture and symbol communication boards and electronic devices, are available to help people express themselves. This may increase social interaction, school performance, and feelings of self-worth. Lauren is considered nonverbal.

Medication.. She has tried numerous meds but, she is currently on Risperdal 
(Since last fall we have cut the dose in half), Melatonin (We hope to go off of it this summer), B12 injections, CQ10. We recently stopped zoloft and added in B12 injections and life has changed for Lauren. She is happy. She is more verbal. Recently we had her tested and she tested at around preschool level. Read this line again... She went from 16 months to 4 to 5 years old in 3 years! Again the school caution me that these test are not a good measure for Lauren's smartness. Lauren connected a basket with a picnic. She associates the desert with cactus. She connects wheels with transportation. Yes, she is smarter than the test. 

Since the medication change she is taking responsibility at school- she is more social- she is more verbal - she is doing school work.. She is less angry... Life is good. I am so thankful for Lauren's progress.

My little Bensen is growing up and maturing. This child thrives in my care. I offer her love, discipline and treat her with respect and encouragement that allow her to grow. Yes, we still have meltdowns, the IEP meetings can be depressing and we still love Dora but, the progress we have made is nothing short of a miracle and I will take that. 
Lauren-Age 10

I am thinking about removing all Dora items from the house this summer but,
 then she shows interest in the preteen disney shows and I think maybe Dora isn't so bad after all.

Autism (with a capital “A”) to me, says that I accept Lauren wholly. I celebrate her differences and her quirky-ness. I advocate diversity. I try to empower her. I am proud of her successes, no matter how small they seem. I hopes she holds onto the compassion's she has in her heart into adulthood. I do not think she needs “fixing”. I am proud thats she is my "daughter", and sometimes I am humbled by that very same thought.

-Adopted Mama to Lauren 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Why I Walk....

Over a year ago two of my friends came to me at different times and encouraged me to join Walk for the Waiting. In my mind I didn’t walk and just because I adopted two kids didn’t mean I wanted to start walking. But, then my husband told me he was going to walk and then day by day my heart open to the idea. I was too “fat feeling” to physically walk last year. Goodness that is embarrassing to just type.  However, my heart continued to be softened for children living all over the world who had no family or home.. So, joining Walk for the Waiting this year was an easy choice. I could actually walk and God had placed the right man in my path to have a heart for the waiting children too.  The stats are out there. If every other church (in Arkansas) would take interest in helping ONE child in foster care then we probably would not have ANY kids waiting for a family. John and I are following our heart to help. Our big reasons for why we walk? Obviously for Lauren and Maddie, the two girls who I call mine through adoption. I know without a doubt their life is better because I am their mom. People tell me all the time but, I know that together we make a family and we love each other! Who am I kidding; my life is so much more complete because of my girls. They have shown me that my faith cannot be put into a “box”. And just because I can’t hear the words they speak I can feel the words through a smile or snuggling on the couch. 

Another reason I walk is no doubt my extended family has shown me love by accepting numerous foster kids in their home and adopting so many I have lost count. (It exceeds 8!) In their community where they live they are heroes and they are my family. 

And then at my job I am reminded why I walk  I love my job and the 70 children and 13 college staff I spend time with each day. My staff has shown love to a child who is in foster care by building a relationship based on love. It’s such a blessing to experience it. Actually my staff has open their hearts to all the children we work with. All children need love.  Then there is the foster mom who is single and giving this child a home. She is opening her heart and home and then surely I can walk.  Actually the child told me she is so
thankful that her foster mom gave her a closet to store her belongings. That nearly broke my heart to hear. This foster mom is also my hero.

 And so each day I am easily reminded of why I walk...

You can join our team and walk with us by clicking here.

If you can’t walk but, would like to donate then by clicking here.

If you can’t or donate but, you still want to do something please pray

How are the funds used?

1) To increase the visibility of children waiting for adoption by expanding the Heart Gallery statewide through the efforts of Project Zero. (I have friends who have adopted through Projected Zero!)

2) To mobilize the church by recruiting, training, and supporting Christian foster and adoptive families and volunteers from local churches to serve children in foster care, both in Pulaski County and in 25 other counties around the state through The CALL. (DHS has said this organization is vital and important!)

3) To provide a third transitional home in Little Rock for youth aging out of foster care through Immerse Arkansas.
(Another great way to help children become productive citizens!)  

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Month 9 post Gastric Sleeve Surgery

My birthday in 2013 and 2014. Year of personal change!!
I haven’t been blogging very much.  I cannot pinpoint exactly why but, I am back… I hope to be more consistent.  So where are we in the journey of Rhonda’s weight loss and what’s happen the past six weeks?

I turned 35 and while it’s officially middle age I am not stressed or sad because I am "smaller" than I was when I graduated high school and I feel great. So, this age thing is not going to get me down.. (and repeat)..

We went to the beach for Spring Break and had a great time just resting and getting away. We loved Dauphin Island. If you like low key and the beach it's a great place. I need to blog on our great experiences. Anyways,  I had some “awe-inspiring” moments that seemed surreal during my clothing shopping adventures.  We had saved some money for us to shop with at the outlet stores. First up was some undergarments. I went from a 46/48 bra band size to a size 40. Wowzer. Then I went to buy some under armor compression heat gear.  Let’s face it- the big down side to weight loss surgery is this sagging skin and dang it, I will wear whatever to be comfortable in
Honeymoon 2012 and Vacation 2014
my skin. Compression and spanx feels good to wear because it’s supportive and keeps the loose skin in one place. Anyways, I was consulting the sales lady about sizing and how tight it should feel and she said I could do large in women’s or medium in men’s. I looked at the lady like she had lost her mind. She showed me who was boss.  I am wearing a large in compression clothing?!!  I have also purchased size 16 shirts. That seems unreal.  I am wearing XL shirts and not self-conscious as I was in my previous post. . Most pants are XXL/18/16. It depends on brands, size and material. One of my girlfriend’s says she varies from a size 4 to size 8 or 10. Holy smokes that’s crazy.  My friend Sarah is a consultant with CAbi and hosted a party at her home recently.  The clothing is flattering, chic and feels amazing. I bought 2 pieces- I can’t wait to share it with you. Again, the XL was too big.  :)

People often say, "I had no idea you were so fat". Umm yeah, I was fat and unhealthy. Very thankful I am getting less fat and trying to be more healthy. 

Size 18 dress bought at Macy's
My husband said our vacation was very different because I was full of energy and ready to go and he was tired and wanting to lay around. It felt good to “feel good”. I was able to enjoy thing my time with my family.

Measurements and weight.. I haven’t weighed in one month. Weighing after our Spring Break trip was out of the question. Then, I took my scales to work for a project and brought them  home on Friday. So, tomorrow will tell us the story.

Stress has defiantly caused me to eat candy and make poor food choices this past month. I still eat
 considerably less than I did pre surgery.  Most meals I eat 40% compared to a year ago. My “stomach” is not expanding. When I feel “pms-y” I eat what feels like a lot but, hey it happens and it's nothing like before. Here is photo of the dress I wore for a few special events. It is moving on to my friend Tracee's home. Happy to retire the dress that felt great for events. 

So, I have been busy with the last few months of school and with my college classes.. But, I still have goals:

1.  I have a wedding in 3 weeks. I am hoping to lose enough weight to wear a size LARGE dress I bought at the beach. 

2.  I am planning on starting back with my trainer for the months of June and July. 

3.  Drink more water. (the neverending goal)

4. I only buy clothes that actually fit and I like to wear at the moment- too many items purchased and not worn because they didn't fit or I suddenly didn't like it. Ha

I am not done!  The journey of having Gastric Sleeve Surgery in July 2013 was one of the best decisions I ever made. And they say "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step"... My journey is far from over. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

8 months post op

So, I started several posts and never actually completed them. I am not doing a very good job at blogging. Motherhood, Full time school, a "part time" job that is really full time and life is my excuse.

In my post that I never posted I said this:
Okay, top right was Oct. 2012,
Bottom left was July 2013,
the other photo was Feb 2014.
This shirt no longer fits!!!!
I feel that I am doing okay. I am 7+ months post op from the Gastric Sleeve Surgery at Baptist Hospital in Little Rock. And I am celebrating 105 pound GONE.  I was barely fitting in a 26/28 and now I am in a 18/20.

 I feel like I spent 2 months trying to clear the 100 pound hurdle. But, I woke up one day I was actually out of the 250's and was down 105 pounds. One year ago, I was 353 pounds. I was in a bad shape. I wasn't honest with my life or myself a year ago.. I was merrily surviving.  I have 3 friends who are going through pre op preparing for surgery. I have to keep myself in check because I want to jump up and down and scream "You are making the BEST decision of your life"!! And for me, it has been the right decision for me.


So, we are 8 months post op today and I still wanna scream "best decision ever!!" How do I feel? Great. I am so thankful to be where I am at today. My PCP and my ob/gyn also feel that I am doing good. We are all in agreement that I am in a much better place health wise.  I am very close to being at the size I was in high school. I have no idea what I really was weight wise. I am also going to bypass my husband and my brother's weight and I have a feeling there will there will start some healthy competition begin.

My wedding weekend in May 2012 (size 3x shirt) and Feb 2014.
People are concerned my stomach will stretch back out. Well, here is what I know: Somedays I can eat a lot. I mean like a lot. Like breakfast, non fat latte, skinny cow bar, smoothie, half sandwich, chips, popcorn and a dr. pepper. Somedays 2 bites of any meal I choose and I am in misery. There are more meals that are a few bites than than the "eating a lot" days. I definitely make bad decisions some days. Snow days at home with my family are a guarantee bust. But, you know what my worst day now eating is probably better than my best day 1-2-3-4-10 years ago. So, I do not dwell on it. Plus it's all in moderation. My sleeve/stomach has attitude and sometimes I eat something and have no problems and a week later- I eat the same thing and feel miserable.

So, what is the progress like?  Remember they say you do the best in the first 6 months. So, I am on the "slower" period of weight loss. I am very happy with my progress thus far though. The truth is it's hard to tell when I lost 50 pounds but, now people can tell every 10 pounds I lose. That's good cause I need encouragement!  

I am in the 240's. (it's silly to post an exact number because it changes every day up and down) (110 +/-  pounds lost)
I am in a size 18 but, can wiggle my hips into a size 16. I am in a XL shirt but, still feel self conscious. My 2x shirts is too big. I have quite the chest and we do not expect I will lose as much there. That's ok I am not afraid of breast reduction surgery!! I also have some extra skin to pass along to anyone needing it.

The non scale victories are lots of fun!
February 28th and December 28th
Ring size was a size 8 and had to resize my ring to 6.5!!!!
My photos from 2 months ago show major progress. Check out the photo --->
I am down at least half size in shoes.  (was a 10 and now between 9 1/2 and 9). One foot is bigger than the other..
Unofficially (my husband isn't home to measure me) I have lost 56 inches in various parts of my body.
My chest, hips, belly 13+ inches gone.

It's becoming challenging to measure the inches with the loose skin and I could really wear spanx all day and be okay. That means I have a lot of firming up to do. aka I need to get back to working out on regular basis..

I still miss food. But, food doesn't comfort me or make me feel better. People have told me I make the journey look easy. I am glad to hear that. It's much easier than being fat but, I would not use the term easy. Nothing about weight loss is easy. It's hard work. It doesn't matter if you have 10 pounds to lose or 200 pounds it's hard work. I want to continue to encourage people to step up to the challenge and do something stop surrounding yourself around negative people/haters. I once read:  “Success is a journey, and the road to get there isn’t easy. There will be those who say you can’t make it, ‘it’s too tough’, or that you’re not strong enough, others will try to challenge your strength and try to knock you off and some will refuse to get out of your way. Success is a journey, and for me – it was worth the wait”

To my supporters who encourage me often- thank you. It's means a lot to me and as my dad always says keep on, keeping on.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Reflux and The Sleeve

I think everyone is warned about reflux problems can occur with gastric sleeve surgery. While my reflux didn't improve it changed. Since I was on dexilant and it was pricey I decided it was time to make sure there wasn't a bigger problem. My procedure was in January and according to the doctor my "sleeve" looks great. My problems should subside as I continue to lose weight. So, I plan to continue to take my medication and continue to lose weight. My doctor also reminded me to make sure I am chewing my food 30 times before I swallow. He also reminded me no drink 30 minutes before or after eating. The drinking thing-I have down. I need to remember to keep chewing food. Everyone always asks how do I do it? Because when I don't I hurt like severe pain. So, I have that lesson down. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Near Death By Fish Oil

So, fish oil. What is it? Well it’s Omega 3s Essential Fatty Acid. Hundreds of studies suggest that omega-3s may provide some benefits to a wide range of diseases: cancer, asthma, depression, cardiovascular disease, ADHD, and autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. According to lots of websites: Omega-3 fatty acids are important nutrients that are involved in many bodily processes. The body cannot make these fatty acids and must obtain them from food sources or from supplements. Three fatty acids compose the omega-3 family: alpha-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is found in English walnuts, in some types of beans, and in canola, soybean, flaxseed/linseed, and olive oils. The other 2, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are found in fish, including fish oil and supplements.

Well, I was told it would improve my itchy skin. For whatever reason my skin is way more drier than ever and I have tried all sorts of creams, lotions, oils to help out. (side affect of surgery) But, one week on fish oil and it improved.. So, these fish oil pills are huge and swallowing post weight loss surgery is hard. I haven’t struggled with swallowing pills as much as some but it is more complicated.

So, I am week 4 of taking these fish oils. Wednesday morning I swallowed a pill and it got stuck in my windpipe, larynx or or somewhere close. I could move it my massaging my neck but, it wouldn’t go down. So, I tried taking a drink. No help. I took a bite of food and it made it worse. I started gagging and then proceeded to throw up. Several minutes later and lots of vomiting later it went “down”.  It was scary. I defiantly am somewhat fearful or anxiety ridden about swallowing large pills especially when I am home alone.   I am now experiencing some slight pain in my throat (more like my neck) mid-way down. Maybe it’s a sinus infection. Maybe I hurt something in my near death by fish oil.. Maybe I am a hypochondriac.  I plan to give it till Monday before inquiring with my local doctor.  

It got me to thinking that would have been an interesting cause of death.  Till next time, beware of large pills!

Sunday, January 19, 2014


So, my least favorite part of my body?  My batwings! (Batwings also know as upper arm fat.) I own it and I know they are something I inherited genetically from Granny Duckett! Yesterday, while shopping at Boutique (yes, I can shop in them now!) I saw a shirt and thought I can pull it off with my already present batwing arms and maybe I can do it with leggings! Umm NO. Sometimes, you need to know just because you have lost a lot of weight, they carry the outfit in your size and a style looks good on  others doesn't mean you should wear it. I feel like my arms look even bigger.  I am NOT sad or depressed- it actually reminds me the journey is not over. So, for my friends and coworkers and pull off the style please rock it for me. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Victories in the weight loss world

Sometimes (ok lot of the time) the scale is not my friend. I feel like my only victories are scale related. But, that is not true. We have a term we call NSV it's Non Scale Victories. These are amazing to me.  A NSV is something that has nothing to do with the weight on the scale, but everything to do with a positive sign that your weight loss program is working. I have lots to share.  

-Today, I went to exchange a shirt at Maurices that Lauren received for Christmas. I saw a pair of jeans that I thought just maybe they would fit. They did and they weren't on the larger size of plus size. They were size 20. I was in 26/28 (and then some) and now I am consistently  in a 18/20. I wore this in college.  You mean I can wear jeans that are not from Lane Bryant. Hollar- this girl was happy. Still not all jeans are created equal and I will probably wear my same jeans 3 times a week. 

-In December I ordered a dress for my sister's wedding- went to try on my spanx and they were too big!!!!!!  What an incredible problem for me to have! I always thought that if they were not painful then I wasn't wearing them right. For the most part my loose skin loves control top/spanx. Again strange.

-For the first since meeting John (and maybe longer) I wore heels to my sister's wedding and didn't die or hurt!

-My sports bra is not doing it's job anymore.

People ask my goal I try to say- not worried about a # just being healthy
-I can cross my legs and I do it all the time. 

-Booths at restaurant are very spacious and it's weird to me!

-My husband and I enjoy a queen bed when traveling. Our king feels so big. 

-Running while I took a break and my lungs were hurting- my body enjoyed it. This doesn't seem right. 

-My rings spin on my finger all day.

-Right now, many of my kids at work are fighting flu. By this time last year I was sick with Strep, Sinus infection, Bronchitis. asthma attacks  and maybe strep again. So, far so good! 

One Step at a Time
As I once read- Recognizing the NSVs in your life is a great affirmation exercise that keeps us on the road to optimal health!!!  Must remember the non scale victories. They are important part of this journey. 

Stay healthy my readers and celebrate you vistories!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Year's Goal: "be more awesome than last year"

I showed up to D1 yesterday. I had not been since early December. I could not find a parking spot. I was like what the heck is happening. Then I walked inside and MY gym had become filled with all those "weight loss resolution people". I was bitter at first. I even asked Josh- what is going on. Then after running for a few minutes during warm up I realized that I needed to be supportive of my fellow gym friends because the fact is majority of them will stop going and I want people to be healthy and feel better. I missed working out. I can't believe I said that. But, I do and I like feeling slightly sore. We have discussed switching gyms to somewhere closer to home but, I am not ready. I am thankful my husband let's me do what I am comfortable with. I laugh as I write. The gym for athletes is wear I am most comfortable. 

It's Thursday. Six months ago, I woke up with buyer's remorse. Surgery day (6 months plus 1 day ago) was in fact the worst day of my entire experience. I am so thankful for my husband and my mom for being my support that today. I had a bad headache the day of surgery that the strongest of meds wouldn't touch. I went into the surgery and asked to be put to sleep so I wouldn't cry from the pain from my headache. My surgery was scheduled for 1ish and didn't happen till 6ish. My family has a history of sensitivity toward anesthesia and I was no different. I finally woke up and remember things about 5am the next day. My mom can tell you stories about my "recovery".  I tell you this because my story is unique- everyone has a different experience. But, I know that I had to have pain in order to have progress. Funny, how that works. 

Lots of folks want results without change. I am the same way. I stopped working out because I got busy with the holidays and work. I noticed that while I was "seeing progress" my skin was getting wrinkled in places. Believe me, I have accepted wrinkles will come but, let's minimize it. 

I started a vision/action board many years ago. I saw on this quote "The physical act of writing down a goal makes it real and tangible. You have no excuse for forgetting about it. As you write, use the word "will" instead of "would like to" or "might."  This is our families vision board. It's by my bed. Here is a good link about creating vision boards. You can google action and vision boards to learn how to make one. One of my goal is to 8 pounds a month to meet my ideal weight. Another goal is to do some video blogging. This is a stretch for me- I hate my voice on video. Some of my goals are simple and attainable- some are outlandish like, winning the lottery.  

Of course, simply writing something down dooes not make it happen. There has to be action on your part. You can do it. Lots of people think goals or new year's resolutions are cliche. I understand it but, I refuse to think that way. I am worth the change and the effort and so are you. 

My 6 month monthly update will be coming soon. For now, I am celebrating my success from 2013 (94 pounds). As of today, 97 pounds. 
2013 Success!