I started working out at D1 one month ago. I really wasn't sure that I really needed this type working out element. It felt a little intense and hard core. But, I worked out 1 day that week-- 2 days the next week and I worked out at D1 4 days last week. I am a believer. I need to be purposeful or intense if I am going to meet my long term goals!
Clearly, I stepped up my game by adding in the workouts. Working out has change my entire weight loss journey. It feels weird to say that but, its true. I think as humans we don't want others succeed in where we have failed. What a waste! I am thankful that I am surrounded constantly by people who are encouraging me every step of the way. It's also a key to my success. This month I have lost approx 7 pounds. I am hoping for 10 pound loss by the end of the month!
Non Scale Victories...
- I was solidly in a 26/28 clothing at the beginning of this journey. I am wearing mostly 22's and I even had a dress on the was 18/20 this week.
- My balance and physical endurance has improved greatly.
- While all of my workouts and trainings are still modified - my physical ability has improved.
- The whole reason this journey began was because we realize I was suffering from neck vertebrae separation and lower back issues due to weight. While I am have soreness from working out on a regular basis- I am not hurting anymore!
- I zipped up a raincoat the other day that I have never been able to zip up!!!!!!!
I have also realized the importance of weight training. It's actually a huge part of melting off fat. I know- we have all been told lifting weights will make you gain weight or that it will "make you bigger".. Check your sources. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, a mere 21 percent of women strength train two or more times a week. What you don't know: When you skip the weight room, you lose out on the ultimate flab melter. Those two sessions a week can reduce overall body fat by about 3 percentage points in just 10 weeks, even if you don't cut a single calorie. That translates to as much as three inches total off your waist and hips. Even better, all that new muscle pays off in a long-term boost to your metabolism, which helps keep your body lean and sculpted. (To continue reading more click here.) (and whoa!)
I am hoping to have a blog more about strength training soon! We started with some weight training this week.. I was so scared of the weight room but, I have decided that day by day I will conquer it. I was also recently told this: "Since fear is mostly about ignorance, the best part is that it's as temporary as you choose." My batwings (arm fat) need to leave permanently.

okay but, you can't seem to get motivated or feel excited? That was me this past week. I wasn't depressed but, I was not roaring to go.. Not a feeling I am used to feeling. I assume it could be a number of things.. I realized tonight that I missed a nutrition class at D1 today. I was so pumped for the class and I had it in my calendar or so I thought. uggh.. Now that I have started blogging I wonder if it's a ADHD issue.. Sigh.. Anyways, I also spent the weekend trying out a few new recipes.. Here is a sneak peak. This is my breakfast "casserole". (It's healthy too!) I will post the recipe this week.
Till next time..