I had my 2nd appointment with the baby psychiatrist doctor this week. I was in a mood- first I was a few minutes late.. then the scales weight me in at 10+ pounds than usual... I told the doctor I thought his scales were crap- he says well, actually we occasionally adjust the scales to panic folks. Looks like it worked on you... Umm yeah, I did not think it was funny.. then he kept on with his humor- calling the baby (that is not been created) the "twinzies".. He thinks red headed twins would be so fun. I didn't really care for his humor- and he didn't stop calling the baby "twinzies".. I am rolling with it on the outside- but, inside I am like not one bit funny. Haha. I love babies but, the thought of having twins is overwhelming.. We did a lot things at the appointment- blood work and psych evaluation- He talks about stuff I never think about- like the plan to lose weight post pregnancy- He is committed to working with me. I guess I can get over his funny sense of humor. haha.. I am totally off melatonin and using essential oils. I am a fan of Young Living essential oils- I hope to keep tracking my experience so I can share with you. I know to some folks it's hocus pocus- I understand.
I have pretty "relaxed" about losing weight- it's been a while since i have made real progress. It's time to step on the train- and seriously finish what I started- how many times have I said that?? So, I am pretty much going hard core with weight loss the next 30 days. I have been making changes and not seeing weight loss- if this continues I will probably start checking in with doctors.. I need to do my part- tracking calories, seriously working out and and following the plan post surgery.
My hubby John is a beachbody coach and has purchased the 3 day refresh for me. I start it Monday- Shakeology says: In just 3 short days, you can get your health, energy, and vitality back on track—all without starving. Don't worry, I am not expecting miracles- I think of it more like a cleanse. Then I plan to do a higher protein diet- which is what I am suppose to be doing.. I also am committing to 4 days of working out a week. I hope to do more. I have worked to hard to not finish what I have started!!! And, since I will gain weight during pregnancy- I need to be in shape before we get started.As far as our goals for 2015- we are standing strong. We finished our foster parent classes. We are eating better at home.. We are "gazelling" our way through debt. If you have not taken the time to learn about Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University- then let me step upon my soapbox- we did it as a part of our premarital counseling process- it is great. We got off track for about year or so but, we are more committed than ever- because we are committing to our budget we are able to travel and do things we had planned. By committing to our budget we are hitting our goals by decreasing debt- You can do it too!
So I know what you are thinking.. Rhonda is like one big networking scammer.. Haha. It's okay to think that. More updates coming soon. Make sure you take time to make your goals happen!