Another reason I walk is no doubt my extended family has shown me
love by accepting numerous foster kids in their home and adopting so many I
have lost count. (It exceeds 8!) In their community where they live they are heroes
and they are my family.
And then at my job I am reminded why I walk … I love my job and the 70 children and 13
college staff I spend time with each day. My staff has shown love to a child
who is in foster care by building a relationship based on love. It’s such a
blessing to experience it. Actually my staff has open their hearts to all the
children we work with. All children need love. Then there is the foster mom who is single and
giving this child a home. She is opening her heart and home and then surely I can walk. Actually the child told me she is so
thankful that
her foster mom gave her a closet to store her belongings. That nearly broke my heart to hear. This foster mom is
also my hero.
And so each day I am easily reminded of why I walk...
You can join our team and walk with us by clicking here.
If you can’t walk but, would like to donate then by clicking here.
If you can’t or donate but, you still want to do
something please pray.
How are the funds used?

1) To increase the visibility of children waiting for adoption by expanding the Heart Gallery statewide through the efforts of Project Zero. (I have friends who have adopted through Projected Zero!)

2) To mobilize the church by recruiting, training, and supporting Christian foster and adoptive families and volunteers from local churches to serve children in foster care, both in Pulaski County and in 25 other counties around the state through The CALL. (DHS has said this organization is vital and important!)

3) To provide a third transitional home in Little Rock for youth aging out of foster care through Immerse Arkansas. (Another great way to help children become productive citizens!)
I am so proud of you for taking this one and getting the word out. The adoption stories you have shared through church and social media are so powerful. They plant seeds. Those seeds will bear fruit in whatever ways they are supposed to...as part of God's plan for these precious children who are waiting! Thanks for this and all you do!