So, there are lots of online groups for people who have had weight loss surgery. And some days I feel really connected to people and their experiences.. But, lately I am annoyed. When a friend or family member suggests an idea that isn't really good advice it's in one ear and out the other. When other weight loss surgery freinds suggest ideas- I listen and apply as needed. People in these facebook groups are wearing me out!!!!
I should tell you that this surgery is not a miracle. It's a tool to help me lose weight. A lady said today- how the surgery failed her. I reached out to her.. I was concerned about what happen.. She said well I drink mountain dews and eat cupcakes at work.. Seriously!!!?? People are crazy!
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26 days post surgery |
Anyways, ADD moment.. My husband didn't ask me to have this surgery. My fat life wasn't terrible. The fact is.. It was time to take action. I was tired a lot. I found myself not able to do the things I used to do. I also knew that staying at 350 pounds was not going to allow me to live a long life. So, the decision to make a change in my life wasn't difficult. It was actually quite easy. I am so blessed that I have GAINED friends from this surgery. Definitely, brought me closer to God. My energy is much better... I am a cheap date. I am surprised how restaurants are accommodating. Today, a local small business gave me grief about ordering of the kids menu. I will visit once more before I whip out my medical card... Eating out has become easier. I am learning more about what I can tolerate and my stomach's swelling has went down considerably... Tropical smoothie actually has a smoothie option with protein and not bad on calories.. Red Lobster is my favorite chain at the moment.. With Panera coming in second.. Soup is still my go to food. Fast food seems impossible but, I do love Wendy's Chili. Of course, the container of chili last for many many meals. Cheerios and String cheese have also become a great on the go option. Cooking and eating at home is much easier and preferred. I used to LOVE breakfast and now I tolerate it. My first meal of the day is very unsatisfying. I used to never want Ice Cream- now I do! I have somewhat craved a Dr. Pepper this week but, there is no way in hell I will drink a soda. I had major pain after taking a sip of Sparkling Water (accidentally). If I am behind on water intake (usually I am) then I get hungry at night. Trying new foods is scary. This next part is TMI.. New foods can cause you vomit.. And when you vomit- it's not normal vomit.. It's like mass amount of thick mucus.. Pepperoni not chewed was the culprit. And while dumping is rare- I can not have peanut butter in a shake. I am not sure I can even have PB2.. Such a bummer. I can eat plain peanut butter but, in a shake and I have a long date in the bathroom. Not one bit pleasant. As you can imagine protein is a challenge to get everyday.. As the doctor suggested- chicken is very challenging to eat. I love fruit but I wish it had protein..
Weekly update.. We are within days of the scales blasting 299. It's okay because I might as well enjoy the 300's cause I have no plans on returning back here. However, my clothes can tell a major change.
Shirts fit so much better and I am losing some of my bat wings (arm fat). Praise the Lord! I also can tell my chest and hips are down at least a size. John says he can tell just hugging me (such a supportive hubby).. I will not be attached to the scale. Spoke with my PCP's nurse.. Can't change the dosage to my adderall xr till August 12th because my PCP is out. (Not sure if I blogged about the fact that the XR isn't working because these formulations are intended to be absorbed over 2-12 hours, the pill passes through the gastrointestinal tract before absorption is complete. It's going to be okay though! At least-- I know why I am emotionally and mentally off! My motivation/planning is out of sorts.. So, perhaps my blogging improve next week along with my returning emails and messages.
Today, my sweet free friend who I can call on for lunch anytime sent me this inspiration today. And I thought how appropriate for my season of life.
"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies."