Saturday, September 7, 2013

Hear Me RoaR

Here we are! Month two post weight loss surgery!
The best month yet! 

August proved to be very challenging! I spent 2 weeks stalling because I was not eating right. (I was not eating enough!) Happy to report the stall is over! My friend, Andrew, reached out to me and encouraged me to give D1 a shot! 

Clothing.. Everything except socks and shoes hardly fit!!!  Remember those capri's in this picture (photo taken in late July then today)! They are now loose on me! That shirt is very loose and almost too big feeling (check out the arms)! I also  had to buy workout clothing! 

Energy... Working out (and Physical Therapy) IS changing my life. I am the most uncoordinated person but, I feel great!  Strength and Balance has improved too.. Not too mention I feel more confident. (Thanks Nick for reminding me of that!) 

Another major achievement: My face. (I have no make up in the current photos- actually we just got back from a walk!)  Notice how it is "toned"? When I shared with my friend Leslie that I needed product to help my face remain youthful during the weight loss journey... Picture after picture of weight loss patients have faces that droop and age!  She shared with me actual photos of someone who went through WLS and used Rodan and Fields... I wasn't sure if it would be worth the investment but, I knew I wanted a youthful face.. I can hide sagging arms and belly! Rodan and Fields is keeping its promise!!!  You can learn more about Rodan and Fields by clicking here or ask me about it! I will wear makeup in next month's photos!

You want the details and numbers... Here you go! 
Highest weight 353
Current Weight 293

Total Inches Lost since 6/21/13 (Measuring fat is hard!)
Arms (right) 4.75 
Bust 7 inches
Hips 7 inches (1 1/2 in 30 days)
Thighs 3 inches

According to my phone app that Monitor's my Weight loss.. My BMI value has went down 8 points! 

Where I feel the most difference? arms!

Goals for August! COMPLETED
To be never in the 300's when I weigh-in (praise the Lord-D1 took care of that!)
More exercise!! (major improvement- worked out 4 days this week!)
More Protein! (Much improved!!)
Get medications straightened out!! (also better but, back on reflux meds)
Continue therapy!  (It's going well too!)

In this picture- this is the shirt I bought at The Rack (Nordstorm's) in Seattle in March (did not fit) and here is the difference! This was a proud moment! You can't tell but, in July my arms (and obviously my belly) were bulging out! 

New Goals!
-Continue new ways to find protein
-Drink 100 ounces of water a day
- Workout 5 days a week!
-Jog 4 laps around the d1 track without stopping!!! (When I started I could jog 1/4 of a lap and just the other day I did almost 2 laps)
-Encourage anyone who will listen to make a plan to be healthy. DO something today. 

March 2014 Run a 5k!!!! No desire to run on a regular basis but, my friend Sarah encouraged me think about it and I think WHY NOT????

My friends (and I want to name specifically name my facebook fam, Brent, Angie, Shana, Sarah, My staff at work, Andrew, Sonya, Jessica, Leslie, D1 people, my family, my husband and my blog readers) your encouragement has meant so much me and truly carried me through this month. Thank you. 

The next blog will be about my current food choices and life with no "medical" restrictions.. 

Lots of Love from the Losers Bench!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The County Fair at D1

I took a long weekend off from working out. If starting a workout is the hardest thing  then returning after 4 days off is painful and not fun. But, dang it - it feels good to be back!!  

Today was the county fair. The first time I attended D1 it was also county fair- I didn't realize it at the time. To read about my first time click here. Anyways, on top of it being the County Fair aka "kick my butt" workout- I had a new coach. And it was a guy... But, Coach Sam lead us through workout and I made it. The red box- yeah that is box we are suppose to jump up and jump off. I stepped up and stepped off it a few times and pulled my hamstring.. Can't wait to return tomorrow!!!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Do Something Different....

At lunch on Friday with my friend Sarah we discussed how people like to talk about change but most people are not interested in the hard work required to get the results they want.. This quote sums it up pretty well...
My friend Sarah shared with me some of her goals to being healthy and asked me if I had considered a 5k. Immediately-- I went negative in my brain.. Before I could finish my thought - she says you know you will be capable since you are training and working out. Then it hit me. She is right.. Attainable goals are good.. So, if you are not meeting your goals then step it up a notch..  

So, thanks Sarah for encouraging me! Maybe the fitness bug is hitting me afterall.