-Today, I went to exchange a shirt at Maurices that Lauren received for Christmas. I saw a pair of jeans that I thought just maybe they would fit. They did and they weren't on the larger size of plus size. They were size 20. I was in 26/28 (and then some) and now I am consistently in a 18/20. I wore this in college. You mean I can wear jeans that are not from Lane Bryant. Hollar- this girl was happy. Still not all jeans are created equal and I will probably wear my same jeans 3 times a week.
-In December I ordered a dress for my sister's wedding- went to try on my spanx and they were too big!!!!!! What an incredible problem for me to have! I always thought that if they were not painful then I wasn't wearing them right. For the most part my loose skin loves control top/spanx. Again strange.
-For the first since meeting John (and maybe longer) I wore heels to my sister's wedding and didn't die or hurt!
-My sports bra is not doing it's job anymore.
People ask my goal I try to say- not worried about a # just being healthy |
-Booths at restaurant are very spacious and it's weird to me!
-My husband and I enjoy a queen bed when traveling. Our king feels so big.
-Running while I took a break and my lungs were hurting- my body enjoyed it. This doesn't seem right.
-My rings spin on my finger all day.
-Right now, many of my kids at work are fighting flu. By this time last year I was sick with Strep, Sinus infection, Bronchitis. asthma attacks and maybe strep again. So, far so good!
As I once read- Recognizing the NSVs in your life is a great affirmation exercise that keeps us on the road to optimal health!!! Must remember the non scale victories. They are important part of this journey.
Stay healthy my readers and celebrate you vistories!
I love the reminder to focus on healthy not skinny! I am so proud of you for recognizing those all important non scale victories! Keep up the great work!