Today was rough... Not sure if I can say why but, it was..
7:30 am.. Knocking on the door.. Is the babysitter early? Another solicitor? I put on my robe and a young
mans says "A man drove by and his tire came off and went through your fence." I look at him and I am like "what?" So, I go out in the back yard and find this. Call the police for a report... Thank the Lord there was no in the way of the tire!!!
Then it was time.. Time to the doctor for follow up from you know that weight loss surgery I had three weeks ago.. He said "You are making great progress... 22 pounds since surgery is awesome..." We also discussed my problems with my adderall. Apparently, we need to adjust it because my body is not "processing" the XR component. So, I am not crazy. I was diagnosed with ADHD a while back. You can read that blog here. My life is so much better with meds. I also can start working out for real in a few weeks!
Then lunch with my sister was a delight. She is all grown up and studying Nuclear Medicine Technology.
And it's Wednesday. Therapy day. I enjoy therapy time.. Several things are going on with our family.. Please pray for us that timing of things will work out... As for now- I will be thankful for the 22 lbs gone!
Today is the last day of July... Tomorrow means game on for me... Summer break is almost over...
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