87 days ago I made a choice to go work out. A choice I had not really committed to in a long time and now looking back I have never really worked out like I have while at D1. I average 2-3 times a week. It started out as a competition to win some money but, very quickly I realized that it was not a competition with anyone except myself. Was it worth it? Will I continue? What did I learn?
If you read my first blog about working out (click here to read it) - it was a day I will likely remember for a long. I was 6 weeks post gastric sleeve weight loss surgery. My coach was the Tish and as you know my dear friend Andrew who encouraged me to visit D1. The synopsis of day 1: I made it 30 minutes. I cried. I hurt. I felt so out of shape and fat. Even though since I began the journey I had lost over 45 pounds. I remember thinking okay, I can choose to not return and feel out of shape or be the change I want to see in myself. One of the folks who was in my class encouraged me to come back. I thought at first he was being snarky I mean I only made it 30 minutes. I later learned that he was sincere about his encouragement. That person is Clint Stoerner. He was a quarterback for the Razorbacks and played several seasons for the NFL. I would go on to meet other Athletes at D1 who are former razorbacks and professional athletes. Someone else who told me she was proud of me for coming and to come back was my coach Tish- she was friendly and so genuine. I feel like sometimes women forget that we should encourage each other at the gym.. Another important person at D1 was my Physical Therapist, Josh. Josh and I work out twice a week. He is a great guy who pushes me and encourages me often! I am also so thankful Andrew reached out to me- it possible changed my life. Andrew is heading to South Africa to work as a youth minister next year. (You can see a video about that by clicking here.) It's only fitting that today in the workout room there was one of the owners (of D1), Cliff Lee. Cliff is a MLB pitcher and his family has donated generously to many great organizations including Miracle League of Arkansas.
Was it worth it? Yes!!! I am stronger and my endurance has greatly improved. Is it challenging? Always. That is what is awesome at working out- you always have room to improve and there is room to grow. I also think it's helping me with my loose skin concerns. Since joining D1 I have lost over 35 pounds. That's not too bad! I have also lost some inches. I have lost over 3 inches in my bust, hips and thighs. I have lost over 4 inches in my arms and chest.
Will I continue? I plan to continue working out 2 days a week with Josh. As you know, it's a 45 minute drive from my house. I do enjoy it and see the results.
What did I learn? I learned that majority of people's negativity about the gym is because you are doing something they choose not to do. I haven't met anyone who regretted working out. This is a good article on lifting weights.. Lifting weights is so good for you! I never thought I would say that. I learned that even if you are a lover of working out or if you are in great shape- there will be days when you do not want to work out or you are tired. That's ok. Just don't give it up. I learned that no matter how fat you are you can work out. I learned that even if you don't practice your running that working out and lifting weights will build endurance and you will run better and faster!!!!
Michael Jordan said it best: "I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come." That's truth. No regrets on working out from me.
I didn't win the challenge but, I did win the war with myself. I met a lot of people who are the journey to be healthy and stronger. I also have met several people whom I am proud to call my friends- so thankful for their friendship and support.
I am stronger, healthier and happier person. Now, it's time to continue with what I started at D1. Happy Friday, friends! Make every day count!!
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