Saturday, November 30, 2013

Small Business Saturday..

Growing up in a small town, I feel like I have a real understanding of the importance of Small Business Saturday. My parents also have several small businesses that many of my friends "back home" support. Thank you for supporting our family whether it be through storing junk at the storage unit (A-1 Storage), washing your car at the car wash (Splash) or getting gas or snack The Corner Convenience Store.
Small Business Saturday is an American shopping holiday held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving during one of the busiest shopping periods of the year. 
I feel like I need to give a special shout of to one of my favorite small businesses in Cabot.  If you live in a small town it's easy to distinguish the corporate from the local. One of my favorite places in Cabot is Christie's Consignment Shoppe. I sell lots of stuff there and buy lots of stuff there. Lots of my clothes during my transition through clothing have come from there. 
I encourage you to give a shout out to your favorite small business today. They depend on YOU! 

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